Save The Kids: Children Affected by Isolation

These unprecedented times have altered the way we go about our lives entirely.  We’re all moving forward as best we can, but what about those that cannot speak up for what they need and defend themselves?  Children are particularly vulnerable during this time and as we continue to face these obstacles and they cannot be forgotten. Some kids are now stuck at home in disparaging relationships with parents or guardians and they are suffering the consequences. 

All the social distancing and financial pressures could potentially be putting children at a greater risk of abuse during this time. Everyone is home and the people that are mandated by law to report signs of abuse aren’t able to sound the alarm. With social isolation, there’s less chance of identifying if there’s an issue with a child. 

Like we’ve mentioned before, we are passionate about continuing to support the Safe Kids’ mission. As the protectors of this community, we understand it and intend to follow it through. 

We are dedicated to raising awareness and supporting Safe Kids. We want to give everyone we know the ability to help them and make an impact themselves. We will donate $10 towards our current Community Cause campaign for every single person that gets recommended to our agency for a quote. Your support helps us saves lives and helps children grow up and have the opportunity to follow their dreams.


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